Terrorists Violate Everything Sacred for Muslims: A Priest Attacked in His Church

Terrorists Violate Everything Sacred for Muslims: A Priest Attacked in His Church
Mufti of RAMU “Umma” Said Ismagilov
Terrorists Violate Everything Sacred for Muslims: A Priest Attacked in His Church
Terrorists Violate Everything Sacred for Muslims: A Priest Attacked in His Church
Terrorists Violate Everything Sacred for Muslims: A Priest Attacked in His Church
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The terrorists went beneath contempt once again and violated another fundamental Islamic principle that strictly forbids attacking religious buildings and killing priests, monks and people inside the temples. I’m talking about the attack on a Catholic Church in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, where two criminals broke in during the mess and killed the local priest Jacques Hamel. We would like that this and other crimes wouldn’t be linked to Islam, for such actions contravene the Islamic prescriptions.

This crime has already been condemned by Muslim organisations of France and Europe. We, on our part, condemn this sin on behalf of Ukrainian Muslims. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), who treated Christians with great respect, strictly prohibited damaging religious buildings and harming the believers that prayed there, monks and priests. For Allah Almighty told in the Holy Qur’an: “...and you will find the nearest in love to the believers (Muslims) those who say:

"We are Christians." That is because amongst them are priests and monks, and they are not proud”[5:82].

Thus, our Lord stressed that Christian community is the closest group to Muslims in spiritual matters.

Even during the war, Prophet Muhammad, when sending his army to the military expedition, instructed them: “When leaving for a military expedition, neither hoax nor betray! Do not mutilate, disable or torture! Do not kill children, elderly people, women and those who are praying in their temples, and the monks!”

Abu Bakr, the Prophet’s friend and the first Khalif,  when sending his army to the military expedition, instructed them: “Do not cut or burn palm trees, do not kill the cattle or cut fruit trees, do not ruin Christians’ and Jews’ temples, do not kill children, elderly people and women. And you will find people staying in their temples  - do not touch them unless they fight against you!”

Thus, chapels and temples and clergymen are untouchable according to Islamic rulings - even in the state of war! Much less are they allowed for any harm during the time of peace. But the terrorists do not appreciate laws established by the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad. They violate everything sacred for Muslims, causing Islamophobia and raising rage against Muslims.

On behalf of Ukrainian Muslims we strongly condemn the attack upon the church and massacre of the priests and believers, and offer our sincerest condolences, and hope that we’ll wrestle this disastrous problem down together.

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