Fatwa about Jihad was Contended by Leading Muslim Theologians

Fatwa about Jihad was Contended by Leading Muslim Theologians
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UKRINFORM, 1.04.2010, 1+1, 31.03.2010

The leading Muslim theologians who gathered in a past week-end on conference in the Turkish city of Mardin, declared revision of fatwa of the XIV century, issued by a medieval scholar Ibn Taymiya (Abu Abbas Taki ad-Deen Ahmad bin Abd as-Salam bin Abdullah ibn Taymiya al-Harrani) which justifies murders of unbelievers in frameworks of "the holy jihad", informs UKRINFORM referring to Reuters.

According to the scholars, the fatwa which appeared in war for territories between Muslims and the Mongols making regular attacks on the Muslim lands does not correspond to the present state of affairs in the world.

Theologians also believe that during globalization and priority of such values as the civil rights and respect for any faith, concepts of "The Kingdom of Islam" (Dar-as-Salam) and "The Land of War" (Dar-al-Harb) are no more actual.

As it is known, the leader of the international terrorist network "Al -Qaeda" Osama bin Laden regularly refers to this fatwa, calling Muslims for jihad against the USA and overthrow of the Saudi monarchy.

At the conference in Mardin there were 15 leading Islamic scholars from Saudi Arabia, Turkey, India, Senegal, Kuwait, Iran, Morocco and Indonesia. In the event also participated Mustafa Keris, the Supreme Mufti of Bosnia, the Seikh of Mauritania Abdallah bin Bayh and the Seikh of Yemen Habib Al al-Jifri.

Earlier this month it was informed that the doctor of theology, Muhammad Tahir ul-Kadri, one of the leading representatives of moderate Islam, prepares for publishing 600-page work condemning terrorism. The purpose of this book is to avert Muslim youth from extremism and radical ideology, adds 1+1.

The doctor ul-Kadri who for 30 years calls for the peace and inter-confessional dialogue, published fatwa, sharply condemning all acts of terrorism, since events on September, 11th, 2001, and within the limits of this document goes further, declaring all terrorists and "shahids" as "unbelievers".

Ul-Kadri, the 59-year-old native of Pakistan nowadays living in Britain, was in due time the Minister in government of Benazir Bhutto. He heads the international religious and educational organization "Minhaj ul-Quran", propagandizing ideas of Sufism. Ul-Kadri was the first Muslim leader, who condemned acts of terrorism on September, 11th.

Fatwa about Jihad was Contended by Leading Muslim Theologians (UKRINFORM)

"Muslims have abolished the fatwa, which allowed the killing of "infidels" (1+1)

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