Camp "Crimea-Sech" is Ideological Business Project of "Disguised" Cossacks, - Expert

"The Camp "Crimea-Sech is sooner a game "Abroad", rather than a militarized formation, and its organizers, it is possible to tell, are disguised.
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The international camp "Crimea-Sech" which already throughout several years functions in Eski-Kermen area in Bakhchisarai, is a business the project for money-laundering which for attraction of the capital is set on "ideological rails" of inter-religious and interethnic opposition. The director of the Center of the Middle-Eastern researches (Kiev) Igor Semivolos stated it to the correspondent of QHA.

In the comment concerning a notorious affair with children's militarized camp "Crimea-Sech" in which Crimean "Cossacks" trained "reflexion of an attack of Islamites", the expert noted, "It is organized for several years and it is quite a good business project for money-laundering as for those who allocate land under it, and for organizers who simply steal the greatest part of the means allocated for it".

He added that it is set on ideological rails with the purpose of "more successful attraction of means and capitals".

Words of the organizer of the camp, the so-called "Cossack ataman" Sergey Yurchenko that the camp purpose is "Orthodox protection against Muslims" Igor Semivolos commented as being a frivolous statement.

The expert emphasized that for the society now it is extremely important to fix and not to forget similar cases and statements. As he said, when the time will come, these people will get their dues and then the main thing is to know these people and what they did.

Thus, the expert noticed that it is not necessary to overestimate the militarized character of the similar phenomena.

"The Camp "Crimea-Sech is sooner a game "Abroad", rather than a militarized formation, and its organizers, it is possible to tell, are disguised. And many representatives of other "Cossack" formations do not consider them as such", Semivolos added.

Provocation and kindling of international enmity

In his turn the chairman of the Constant Commission of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on international relations and problems of the deported citizens Remzi Ilyasov regards activity of "Cossacks" as provocation.

"How it is possible to make comments on the fact of existence of such camp and action of people which are engaged in it? It is provocation", he stated in his comment to the correspondent of QHA.

At the same time, political scientist Alexey Garan considers that activity of similar groupings in Crimea should become an object of attention of the Security Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"If this camp exists and names itself "Orthodox for struggle against Islam" it already poses a question because here such para-militarian formations are forbidden, this is kindling of international enmity", Garan stated in his comment to

Let us remind, the Camp "Crimea-Sech" during the current year functioned on the territory of reserve Eski-Kermen in Bakhchisarai from August, 3d, till August, 15th. In the camp participated youth from 10 to 18 years from Russia, Byelorussia and Ukraine. Children were taught hand-to-hand fight, wood orientation, mountaineering, and rock-climbing.

The camp is carried out by the so-called "Association of Cossacks of Crimea" led by "ataman" Sergey Yurchenko already throughout several years.

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