Dzhemilev: Neither President’s nor court’s decisions on Cathedral Mosque are not implemented

The place of Cathedral Mosque construction
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At present, authorities do not execute decisions of the President of Ukraine and court concerning the settlement of the issue on the construction of Cathedral Mosque in Simferopol. This is stated by the Chairman of the Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people, MP Mustafa Dzhemilev.

“I have recently met with Serhii Liovochkin (Chief of the Presidential Office – Ed.) and talked about the land allotment, including land for Djuma Djami (Cathedral Mosque). I told him that there is a presidential decision on the issue, which is not implemented. He told me that he had no information and thought the issue was long ago closed. He pledged to tackle the issue,” Mr. Dzhemilev said.

He emphasized that he does not know what the result of the Presidential Office’s work would be.

“There is a decision of the President of Ukraine on the issue and order of its settlement. There is one point that lies in the fact that the President does not identify in his decision and order any certain place for the Djuma Djami construction. In this regard, local authorities are now offering another place. But we shall not accept another place, except the site at Yaltynska Str. 22. We are not children to play games. To date, there are court decisions that give permission for the construction of Djuma Djami at Yaltynska Street. We only need to implement the court decision,” the leader emphasized.

It should be reminded that in 2004 the session of Simferopol City Council has adopted decision on concurrence with the Religious Administration of Muslims of Crimea (RAMC) of the disposition and size of the land plot for the construction of Cathedral Mosque at Yaltynska Str., 22.

However, later, the deputies refused to allot the land at this address. In 2008 they have agreed on the location of the mosque at the site at Luhova Str., 6, and in February this year, ACC recognized the land at Yaltynska Str. and the surrounding area as a park belt.

At the end of February, 2009 the ex-Crimean speaker, People’s Deputy of Ukraine Borys Deich urged in the open letter Aqmescit deputies and mayor to set aside political controversy and to consider the issue on the land allotment for the building of Cathedral Mosque. Local deputies promised to revert to this problem after public hearings.

Simferopol’s deputies promised to revert to the issue’s consideration after public hearings.

The Economic Court of Crimea has recently satisfied fully the statement of claim on land allotment for the construction of Cathedral Mosque in Simferopol with the additions that were made by RAMC.

Supplements concerned the abolition of the decision of ACC which were adopted in 2008. In accordance with these decisions, the construction site of Cathedral Mosque has been proposed to move to Luhova Str. (some industrial zone in Simferopol) and to be split on site located at Yaltynska Str., 22.


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