Inter-Cultural Relations Perspectives Are To Be Studied In Kharkiv

Inter-Cultural Relations Perspectives Are To Be Studied In Kharkiv
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Institute of Oriental Studies And International Relations “Kharkiv Collegium”, All-Ukrainian Association Of Social Organisations “Alraid” and “Al-Manar” Islamic Cultural Centre are planning a round table regarding some topical issues.

Judging by different events on Islamic studies being held more and more frequent lately, it’s clear that interest for this topics arouse among Ukrainian researchers and they understand the importance of interfaith and intercultural dialogue. Preventing misunderstanding and aggression is the main purpose why such events are held and the Universities develop closer cooperation with cultural and religious centres.

“Cross-Cultural Interaction In Modern Society” is to become the subject of discussion at a round table in Kharkiv with following topics on the agenda:
- challenges of intercultural communication in modern society;
- problems of interfaith and interethnic dialogue;
- impact of religion and culture at modern society;
- tolerance and xenophobia: forms of appearance against the background of globalization.

A cross-disciplinary diges of researches is to be issued as a result of the discussion.

If you want to participate:
The facilitators accept scientific articles, essays and reviews under 40.000 symbols in Ukrainian and Russian (along with annotations).

The Deadline for accepting the applications indicating the report’s topic and brief content is November 1, 2013. Deadline for providing the facilitators with a full thesis is November 30, 2013.
Please e-mail your applications and thesis to

Project coordinators:
Ms. Victoria Naumenko;
Mr. Bilal Hamze

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