MP Yurchyshyn on Police Raid Near the Mosque: “Law Enforcement Act Not as a Service Providing People with Higher Quality Life, but as Masters of the Universe”

MP Yurchyshyn on Police Raid Near the Mosque: “Law Enforcement Act  Not as a Service Providing People with Higher Quality Life, but as Masters of the Universe”
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Yesterday, on 5 February, MP Yaroslav Yurchyshyn (“Holos” Party) spoke from the Parliament’s rostrum on a raid carried out by the enforcement near Kyiv ICC mosque on 31 January as of act of disrespect and dishonour, while their job, on the contrary, was to defend people's honour.

“I want to talk about a very important value, which, I believe, brought every one of us to this session hall. We, as People’s Deputies, have to safeguard that value in our society, especially when it comes to communication of the law enforcement and citizens.”


“A Muslim fest, a mosque… And people not having ID on them are being snatched and investigated — again, by the police, who once again dishonours those people. Colleagues! I could push some political agenda and say what I thought about our Minister [of the Interior], but I’d rather note that we, unfortunately, still have law enforcement acting not as a service whose aim is to provide people with higher quality life, but as masters of the Universe. ”


“I invoke everyone in charge to, perhaps, make some training for the police and explain to them that citizens are not obliged to always carry an ID, while the law enforcement are obliged to defend any citizen, regardless of their faith, ethnicity, etc. Colleagues! The Revolution of Dignity brought us where we are. The police have to care and defend the citizen’s dignity, that’s their job. And we, the MPs, have to make sure they do. Glory to Ukraine!”

Source: UMMA website

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