Muslims with all Ukrainians expressed their condolences to the people of France

On behalf of the Muslim community in Ukraine, Said Ismagilov expressed his condolences to the French people
Muslims with all Ukrainians expressed their condolences to the people of France
The Mufti of Muslims of Ukraine with fellow believers prayed for the souls of the innocent victims
Isabelle Dumont - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Ukraine with Mufti Said Ismagilov
At the French Embassy Mufti of Muslims of Ukraine answered journalists' questions about the Paris tragedy
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A lot of people have come to the French Embassy in Ukraine after the tragic news that outraged the whole world. They came to honor the memory of victims who had suffered in series of terrorist attacks in Paris. There were also many Muslims there  they consider the murder of innocent people is a grave sin and a crime.

The mufti of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah" Said Ismagilov came with fellow believers to honor the memory of the victims and express their condolences and solidarity with France in these bitter moments:

 We express our condolences and compassion for the victims and relatives of those who were killed in these attacks, and we are with the people of France This is a blow for freedom, faith and dignity of all people. We, Ukrainians know what an insidious attack is, and we pray for all killed and injured.

Talking about the probable increase of Islamofobia as a result of tragic events in Paris, Mufti said:

 Islam prohibits (the killing of innocents.  Ed.) this. Each person is a creature of God, everyone has the right to life, to his/her own opinion, has the right to religious choice, that is, freedom of religion, and such crimes are not peculiar to Islam. It is a crime against humanity and a crime against Islam itself, because this wave of Islamophobia is affected us  the Muslims of Europe, too. I hope the same will not happen in Ukraine, after all Ukrainian Muslims have never done anything like this.

Earlier, CNN published the information on the 153 killed during the bloody events in Paris, among which 112 people were killed in the captured terrorists concert hall «Bataklan.»

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