On September, 9th, Ukrainian Muslims to Celebrate End of Ramadan

The mosque of the Kiev ISCC
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On Thursday, on September, 9th, 2010, in the mosque of the Islamic Social Cultural Centre of Kiev over 1500 Muslims among whom are diplomats from the countries of the Islamic world, will take part in the solemn Morning Prayer devoted to the termination of the Holy Month of Ramadan and approach of Id al-Fitr.

As it informed "Islam in Ukraine" in the press-service of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah", the action will take place in 7:50am at the address: Kiev, Degtyarevskaya Street, 25.

Id al-Fitr (Turk. Ramazan-Bayram, Uraza-Bayram) is the big holiday of the termination of the Muslim fast which marks the first month following Ramadan. It is one of the two greatest holidays in Islam which is celebrated by Muslims all over the world. This day in the morning believers gather for the general festive prayer in mosques.

Prior to the festive prayer Muslims pay Zakat al-Fitr — the social help to the poor and the needy. As a rule, these are the savings which were saved up during the fast in the month of Ramadan. Zakat al-Fitr is given from each member of the family of the benefactor, even for children. The best and at the same time the last time for paying Zakat al-Fitr is the morning before the festive prayer.

Traditionally together with Zakat al-Fitr the part of Muslims pays the common Zakat.

Celebrating of Id al-Fitr takes place in the atmosphere of especial enthusiasm and is accompanied by sincere entertainment, gifts, visits, etc.

The sense of celebrating of Id al-Fitr consists in strengthening of spiritual growth of Muslims in belief in God and life in accordance with His instructions.

By the press-service of the SMMU "Ummah"

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