Ukrainian Muslims See Future President as Country Patriot

The Mufti of the SMMU "Ummah" Said Ismagilov says that Islam obliges a Muslim to take active part in all elective processes of the state
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The Ukrainian Muslims consider as their civic duty active participation in the processes of elections. They are ready to come on January, 17th, to polling districts and to vote for the patriot of the country, strong, wise and capable of changes.

Experience of the previous elections in Ukraine shows that the attendance among voters was always high; Ukrainians actively go and vote on elections.

2 million or 4 % of the population of Ukraine make Muslims. The majority of the Muslims questioned in the Islamic Cultural Centre of Kiev informed that they are ready to come on January, 17th, to polling districts.

Among the main qualities which the head of the modern Ukrainian state should possess, the Kiev Muslims name power, wisdom, sincerity, responsibility for the actions and fulfillment of promises. The main requirement of the Ukrainian followers of Islam to the future President is love to the people and the state.

"The most important quality of the President and his team is that they should love this country. If the person loves the country, he will make for it everything necessary", Husam Salama, the Syrian who got the Ukrainian citizenship, says.

Civic duty of a Muslim

Oleg Guzik, the employee of the Information Department of the All-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" without fail will go to elections, after all he considers it as the main civic duty of each Muslim.

"I consider that participation in elections is a civic duty. To be active in the society in which Muslims live, even if this society is not a Muslim one, is a duty of Muslims. Not to show the activity means to be indifferent to what happens around. Therefore it is necessary to go to elections", he is sure.

Elections in Islam

The Mufti of the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah" Said Ismagilov says that Islam obliges a Muslim to be legislative citizen of the country, to take active part in all elective processes and to serve for the good of the people and the state.

"A Muslim should occupy active position in the society, including active civic position. Muslims should not abstract from political processes which take place in the country. And it is not important, if it is the country where the majority of inhabitants are Muslims or the country where Muslims represent a small community", the Mufti emphasizes.

He explained that a Muslim should get familiar with the programs of the candidates, for example on presidential elections, with the programs of parties on parliamentary elections, and to choose that political power which will as much as possible assist tolerance formation in the society, formation of those principles and rules, which Muslims can use for the good of their development and the whole Muslim society in the country of their residing.

Let us remind that the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah" and the All-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" addressed to all Ukrainian Muslims with an appeal to take active part in the presidential elections, to be responsible citizens of their country.


Related Links:

SMMU "Ummah" and "Alraid" Association Urge Ukrainian Muslims to Take Active Part in Elections

Muslims Wish to See Ukraine as Strong Independent State. Interview with Head of SMMU "Ummah" S.Ismagilov

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