The Crimean news agency QHA together with AUASO "Аlraid" started publication of a series of materials on the topic "Islam Today". The series is opened by the interview with the Imam of the village of Eski Saray (Pionerskoye) Sabri Leman-Oglu.
For ages Crimea underwent considerable changes in spiritual sense. Spiritual consciousnesses, self-identifications of the people living in its territory, were dependent on historical events which took place on the peninsula. Religious cultures replaced each other.
Today Crimea is a poly-religious region. One of the traditional religions having centuries-old presence on the territory of the peninsula is Islam.
Islam started to get into Crimea in the IX-XI centuries, in the period of residing on its territory of various tribes: the Khazars, the Protobulgarians, the Pechenegs, and the Polovians. At the time of the Crimean Khanate (1443-1783) Islam carries out nation-forming function and becomes the state religion regulating almost all aspects of life of the society: education, household, law, etc, on the peninsula. This was the period of blossoming of Islamic culture on the peninsula.
However rise presupposes fall. So, blossoming of Islamic culture in Crimea undergoes recession: its beginning in 1783 is connected with annexation of Crimea by the Russian Empire and grows in 1944, when the Crimean-Tatar people were violently torn off from their Native land.
Within almost 50 years, in places of deportation, in the conditions of totalitarian atheistic regime, the Crimean-Tatar people were actually torn off from their religious roots. And religiousness remained only at the level of traditions and household ceremonies.
At the present stage the process of national revival of teh Crimean-Tatar people which are coming back from places of deportation on their historical Native land, closely proceeds with idea of religious revival. For the Crimean Tatars the question of revival of religion, studying of history and culture, inseparable from Islamic traditions, becomes extremely important.
As it shows almost 20-year-old experiment of activity of Muslim communities in Crimea, they, with rare exception, became a self-sufficient, self-regulated cell in system of Muslim religious institutes. And defining role in it played spiritual instructors of communities.
So, activity of a Muslim community of the village of Eski Saray (Pionerskoe) prospers in unison to ideas and activity of their spiritual instructor - Imam Sabri Efendi.
Sabri Leman-oglu was born in Uzbekistan in Almaz village of Chursky area, the Namangan region, in a family of the simple worker. His childhood passed in noisy games in a court yard and carefree pastime. His love to Islam was imparted by his grandfather Ramazan who was the practicing Muslim – he prayed five times a day, fasted, read the Holy Quran.
- He became for us an example in worship and devotion to Allah. He imparted at us love to our native language, - marks Sabri Efendi. - Grandfather Ramazan, who perfectly read in the Arabic language, taught me the language on which the Quran is written. Thanks to it I followed a religious way. I am guided in everything by Islamic doctrines. In education of children I also was guided by them.
My daughters Emine and Leyla were educated in Azov medrese, and then they continued their religious studying in Turkey at religious faculty. Now they teach in medrese. One of my sons, Ramazan, who since five years old read Surat Al-Fatiha and visited with me various actions, graduated from medrese, too, then he studied in Turkey on religion faculty. Mohammed, whose life after premature birth was under threat, and who survived only by will of Allah, got religious education, too. My third son, Said-Ahmed, studies in medrese in the village of Kurman (Krasnogvardeysky) where they teach Hafizes. Said-Ahmed has a powerful voice, and already after his birth I understood that he will proclaim Azan.
- Sabri Efendi, when your religious activity started? What purposes and problems you set, becoming the Imam?
I started my religious activity in Uzbekistan after I returned from the army. There we did not have any unattainable purposes. As in Uzbekistan there were very few people, able to read in Arabic, we carried out various religious practices: carried out the rituals of nishan, nikah, funeral, gave names, etc. In 1989 I read in the newspaper "Lenin bayragyy" that in Crimea was opened Kebir Dzhami where the educated Imams taught our colleagues Islam bases and then I thought that it would be good for me to learn from them something more. I wanted to go there immediately, but our Muslim community did not let me, as I was the only one who carried out religious rituals. Therefore I had to study everything in very short terms.
After arrival to Crimea, I visited Kebir Dzhami where I met Seit-Jelil Efendi (we will notice that in 90th years the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Crimea was headed by Seit-Jelil Ibragimov – the graduate of Bukhara medrese). Having arrived to Crimea, I started to understand the Arabic language in which I some time ago carried out rituals, but did not understand it. It is necessary to feel Islam, instead of to speak about it.
Becoming the Imam in Crimea, I aimed to live the way lived the Prophet Muhammad who became the best student of Allah and the best instructor of Muslims. He said, "Noble is the one who studies the Quran and teaches it to others". Thus, I laid down for myself the aim to help Muslims in Crimea in carrying out of religious rituals and teach them bases of Islam.
- Tell about the period when you were the assistant to the Mufti.
After returning to Crimea I understood that I was not able to read in the Arabic language sufficiently, therefore I started to study the translations. And it gave to me a chance to learn about what Allah says in the Quran. Therefore I want my students to know that He bequeathed to us, too. Sejt-Jelil Efendi was my teacher. I took from him a lot. I am glad that Allah acquainted me with such a person.
- How hard today passes the process of revival of religion after returning of the Crimean Tatars home?
You know, a lot of people still consider that worship to Allah takes too much time. But this is not so, after all, when you believe in Allah, He helps you. Allah does not demand anything impossible. We should pray and worship Him alone because He helped us to come back to out Motherland.
- Sabri Efendi, tell us about a Muslim community of the village of Eski-Saray.
Muslims in Eski-Saray live usually: every morning they leave for work, and come back home tired in the evening, and still it is necessary to take care of a house coziness and education of children. But, despite daily routine, they visit weekly Friday Namaz during which we explain them ayats from the Quran, Hadiths, we answer questions. Besides, in the Holy Month of Ramazan we carry out Iftars, every Saturday we conduct lessons for children, on Kurban Bayram we slaughter animals and we distribute meat. And in general, every day we are ready to answer any questions of representatives of our community. Doors of the mosque and my house are always open to Muslim brothers and sisters.
However, I have one wish: it would be desirable, that in settlement shops will be sold Halal production. Insha Allah, it will happen.
- What is a picture of the Muslim community of the village of Eski-Saray for today? Whether it dazzles with various Muslim currents or it represents monolithic unity?
As all people are not similar by nature, in a society it is not possible to avoid division of opinions and views. Including religious ones. However, the most important thing that unites us, Muslims, is belief in Allah. In a Muslim community of Eski-Saray there are no disagreements as such. Even if it happens, I think, it is not necessary to pay attention to it. It is not necessary to search for drawbacks of someone, and then you will not find them in yourself. I consider that all Muslims should follow an example of one person, the Prophet Muhammad. He said, "If you tell something bad about someone, it is like you eat the spoilt meat of your brother".
Today everything that occurs in a Muslim society is a test of belief. All of us should aspire to unity. It is necessary for us to search for that, what unites us, instead of pushes away.
- How do you estimate relations between the Muslim community of Eski-Saray and the non-Muslim part of the settlement? Is there any pressure between them?
In our village live mainly the Crimean Tatars, therefore we do not face these problems. But we never had any disagreements with representatives of non-Muslim creeds, because Islam is religion, calling to peace. I will cite to you as an example an episode from life of the Prophet: once Muhammad, on leaving the house, saw garbage at his threshold. He said nothing and pulled it out. The same happened for several days. But some day, leaving the house, he did not find the garbage. Knowing that it was done by his neighbor, Muhammad went to visit him. His neighbor was ill and thirsty. And then the Prophet behaved in a wise way: he did not go away, but brought him some water. How do you think, did this person change? Yes! He converted to Islam. Therefore if we, Muslims, will behave as Muhammad, there will be no conflicts with anybody.
- How do you think, what should the true Muslim look like?
All Muslims believe that there is Allah, but it does not suffice. It is necessary to confirm it with acts: to pray five times a day, to fast, to beg Allah for pardon. Believe me, Namaz is not a hardship, in the Day of Judgment this worship will turn us to paradise. The first question in the Day of Judgment will be about Namaz. Therefore, those, who use the blessings of Allah today, should thank Him, that in the Day of Judgment not to remain too repenting and punished. For this purpose we need to work only a little.
While Allah gives us the chance to live, we should refuse from the sinful.
- What for today could you wish to the Crimean-Tatar youth?
It would be desirable, if modern youth will not shun from performing Namaz and fasting Oraza, will spend more time in the company of believers. On doing some mistakes, they should ask Allah to set them on righteous path, pray for each other, for their parents and relatives. After all, it is so good, when we pray for each other!
I wish that Muslims of Crimea were happy in this world, and would not forget what waits for us after this life. It is necessary to prepare for it now.
Dear Muslims of Crimea! Let this Holy Month of Ramazan for you pass nobly and usefully. Allah help us!
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