Have A Happy And Blessed Eid-Al-Adha!

Have A Happy And Blessed Eid-Al-Adha!
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Dear brothers and sisters in faith!
We, the Islam.in.ua team, congratulate you upon the occasion of the Eid-Al-Adha (Qurban-Bayram)! May God bless you and your families, accept you qurban and your good deeds, and revard you with much more and much better both in this life and in the hereafter!

This feast not only teaches us to rely on God in everything, but also to be attentive and merciful for those nearby. To extend a helping hand to people who found themselves in hard life situation.

We, however, must not limit our care and mercy for others to some special days of the year, as we ourselves hope that the Lord will send us His blessings and His mercy every second of our lives. Let’s make good deeds everyday, as much as we can. If everyone is honest in that, to oneself first of all, — only in that case we can overcome both external and internal problems of our country and make a better, fairer, happier and wealthier society.

And please pray for our brothers and sisters in Crimea and Donbass; pray that the Lord keeps them safe in this difficult time!

God bless us all!

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