President was Urged to Resolve Conflict of Cathedral Mosque in Simferopol

Delaying of building of the Cathedral mosque is an example of "discrimination by the Ukrainian state of the Crimean-Tatar people on religious sign".
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The chairman of the fraction "Kurultay-Ruh" in the Supreme Council of Crimea Remzi Ilyasov called the President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych to promote the resolution of conflict concerning building of the Cathedral mosque in the Yaltinskaya Street in Simferopol.

In the open letter of the deputy to the President which text possesses the agency e-Crimea, it is stated that delaying of building of a mosque is an example of "discrimination by the Ukrainian state of the Crimean-Tatar people on religious sign". "The more the issue of the building of the Cathedral mosque will be delayed, the more generations of Muslims will appear involved in this strange conflict with the power. And it will be more difficult to find a way out of this", R.Iyasov warned.

He considers that "the situation which developed in Simferopol, led to the fact that nowadays the Cathedral mosque is perceived by the Crimean-Tatar people more as a struggle symbol for their rights and freedom, first of all, a freedom of worship as the Simferopol city council throughout already twelve years creates obstacles in realization of legitimate rights by Muslims of Crimea".

The deputy expressed hope that "intuition and experience" will allow V.Yanukovych to pay attention to the problem. "The discrimination and destructive policy cannot proceed any more. And it will not! This is a position of the majority of Muslims of Ukraine", R.Ilyasov declared.

As it was informed earlier, the chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean-Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilev declared that the Crimean Tatars do not intend to concede in the dispute with the authorities of Simferopol concerning the place of prospective construction of the Cathedral mosque. The city authorities oppose building on the Yaltinskaya Street as they consider that in case of placing here the Cathedral mosque the road on southern coast of Crimea can appear to be blocked.

Restoration of rights of the Crimean-Tatar people

Moreover, the chairman of the fraction "Kurultay-Ruh" urged Victor Yanukovych to stop "vicious practice of central bodies of the state power to ignore and shift responsibility for destiny of the Crimean-Tatar people - the native people of Crimea, exclusively on shoulders of the republican authorities and autonomy local governments", the news agency QHA states.

Ilyasov specified the absence of full political rehabilitation of the Crimean-Tatar people which is possible only with acceptance of the adequate Law "About restoration of the rights of the people deported by a national sign". He specified the problematical character of returning of the Crimean Tatars home from places of deportation because of discrepancy of the national legislation to positions of the Bishkek agreement.

In the letter the Crimean deputy also reminded of a problem of the Crimean-Tatar language. In particular, he emphasized necessity of giving to the Crimean-Tatar language of the status of one of official languages in Crimea and maintenance of its functioning in all spheres of social life of the peninsula, restoration on the territory of Crimea of historical toponymics, decision of land, social and economic problems.

Let us remind that with the request to promote the agrarian issue decision, to the President of Ukraine addressed also the Social Organization "Avdet".

By e-Crimea and QHA

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