In Simferopol Took Place All-Ukraine Competition of Quran Reciters

Knowledge of the contestants was estimated by the competent jury under the chairmanship of the Imam of the mosque of the Kiev ICC, Sheikh Imad Abu Rub. (The photo of UKRINFORM)
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On September, 6th, 2009, in Simferopol took place the All-Ukraine Competition of the Quran Reciters. Organizers of the action were the All-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" and the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Crimea.

To hold similar competitions in the month of Ramadan became kind of tradition in the whole Muslim world. The Ukrainian Muslims also follow this example. Crimea was chosen to be the place of carrying out of the All-Ukraine competition of the Quran readers as at southern coast lives the greatest quantity of followers of Islam in Ukraine.

This year in the competition which took place in a mosque of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Simferopol, took part more than 40 readers of different age from different regions of Ukraine. In the art of reciting the Quran by heart in the Arabic language competed Muslims from Kiev, Kharkov, Simferopol and other regions of Crimea. The purpose of studying of the Holy Scripture is increase of the spiritual level of the believers.

Competitions were divided into six levels: for participation on the I-st level it was necessary to memorize Juz "Amma", on the II-nd – 30 and 29 Juzes, the III-d – any five Juzes, the IV-th – any ten Juzes, V-th – half of the Quran, and participants of the VI-th level recited the whole Quran be heart.

Knowledge of the contestants was estimated by the competent jury under the chairmanship of the Imam of the mosque of the Kiev ICC, Sheikh Imad Abu Rub. The jury structure included the Mufti of Crimea Emirali Ablaev, the chairman of the AUASO "Alraid" Muhammad Taha, the assistant to the Mufti of Crimea Ayder Ismailov and the representative of the Management on Affairs of Religion of Turkey in Crimea Ayden Kinan.

The youngest winner of the I-st level of the All-Ukraine Competition of the Quran Reciters became 6 year-old Lilly Halitova . Asan Zeytulaev won in the II-nd level, the winner of the III-d level was Ismail Ibragimov, the IV-th – Eskender Halitov, the V-th - Elimdar Ablyakimov . Among those reciting the Holy Quran by heart the greatest appreciation of the jury was received by Kemal Hudaybergiev.

The prize-winners of the competition who showed the best knowledge of the Holy Quran received monetary awards and costly presents. All contestants received incentive presents.

By the materials of the AUASO "Alraid"

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