IV Scientific Conference In Simferopol: Give Three Languages To Crimea And Free Access To History And Religion To Its Peoples

IV Scientific Conference In Simferopol: Give Three Languages To Crimea And Free Access To History And Religion To Its Peoples
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Yesterday’s Conference continued the AUASO “Alraid”’s work on making the interfaith relations in Crimea more harmonized. It was devoted to tolerance, improving interethnic and intercultural relations, and raised the matters topical right now. Special guests of the event, like authorities, political analysts, historians, lawyers and social experts spoke about importance of such meetings.

Important Guests Prove That The Issue Was Topical

Professors from different Universities were present at the Conference, such as Sevastopol National Technical University, Crimean Department of Institute for Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Science, Tavria National University, Crimean Republican University for Postgraduate pedagogic education, Eastern Ukrainial Dal University, Crimean S. Georgievskiy Medical University, Crimean Legal Institute of the Yaroslav Mudriy National University, Crimean University for Engineering and Pedagogics, Crimean Legal and Economics University of International Humanitarian University.

About 40 reports were made within the day, including history of ethnic and cultural relations in Crimea, role of social organisations in developing tolerance, international practices for improving interethnic relations. etc.

The Guests Were Thankful For The Initiative
The event was opened by the speech of Alexander Aibabin, PhD in History, Head of Crimean Department of Institute for Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Science, and then the Crimean Parliament deputy and Head of the Department for Education Mr. Valeri Kosarev.
Then and professor of Crimean University for Engineering and Pedagogics, Mr. Fevzi Yakubov, spoke, and thanked AUASO “Alraid” For such a useful event and such an urgent topic.

“I want to thank for this topic, urgent for the peninsula,” - Lemara Selendili, the first deputy Minister for Education of Crimea. - “We want to live in a friendly atmosphere here, and have a possibility to learn our mothertongue. Let’s all unite under the slogan “peace be upon you!” that unites many confessions!”

Consent and mutual respect

A word was also given to Mr. Vladimir Karazin, Head of the International Consent Fund and professor at Tavria National University, whj said that the religious buildings must be returned to the respective religious communities. He also said that three languages must be taught at Crimean schools, namely Ukrainian, Russian and Crimean Tatar.

Head of the AUASO “Alraid” Crimean Branch Mr. Muhammad Taha greeted the conference and said that tolerance in always an important position and psychological readiness for interaction and mutual understanding, and for that reason tolerance must be promoted in the Crimean Society.

Head of the Ukraine’s President Permanent Representative in Crimea analytical department said that such annual conferences serve as a background for establishing interethnic and interfaith relations, and the atmosphere of such events attracts new and new scientists each year. And, she noted, this is a great achievement of AUASO “Alraid” which holds this annual event and provides its conference-hall for this purpose.

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